Mobile Integrated Radiation Monitoring System
This system provides continues radiation measurements synchronised with GPS timing and location. The collected data is ready for mapping and reporting right after a mission. It can be installed on any type of vehicles. It can be set in a trunk/cargo compartment, roof mounted cargo-rack, in-cabin installation, etc. The standard system comprises 2xNaI(Tl) detectors; and optionally a high dose GM detector. It is a fully auto-calibrating system with real-time spectrum stabilisation on natural radionuclide peaks. The data acquisition system provides internal data synchronisation, real-time calculation procedures, data graphic visualization, etc. The detection unit is supplied in a rugged plastic case, equipped with wheels and a handle.
Airborne integrated radiation monitoring system
This system is designed for airborne radiation measurement based on gamma spectroscopy. The system can be installed on fix-wing and helicopter platforms. The algorithms provide observed data recalculation to the ground level, real-time identification of selected radionuclides, control of aircraft crew safety and intelligent pilot survey guidance. The mission navigation system is integrated with Pilot Guidance Unit (PGU). The data acquisition system provides internal data synchronization and real-time calculation procedures with precise positioning. A rugged laptop with Data Acquisition SW allows the operator to control all survey parameters, real-time spectra and dose rate, map-view navigation, alarms and others.
Stand-off radiation detection system
This is a newly developed system for CBRNe and Home Land Security applications in radiation monitoring. The system provides immediate radiation detection, directional radiation recognition, isotopes identification, real-time activity calculation of natural and man-made isotopes, customisable notifications and crew safety alarms, and other services. The SIRIS is equipped with built-in UPS that provides up to 4 hours of an independent operation. System’s data acquisition unit (rugged notebook) can be connected to the detection module using wireless or Ethernet protocols to provide real-time data visualisation and control capabilities. The surveillance results are ready for overlay on a map and reporting right after a mission.
Fixed vehicle radiation monitoring system
This system is mobile radiation monitoring system designed for fixed installation into vehicles and mobile laboratories. The system consists of two high sensitive plastic scintillator detectors, NaI(Tl) gamma spectroscopy detector, high dose rate GM module and optionally a solid scintillation neutron detector and weather sensor. The system provides continuous radiation measurements synchronised with GPS timing and position, whether on the move or at a stationary monitoring location. The detection system is orientation sensitive for effective localisation of contamination or illicit or orphaned radioactive sources. The acquired data is processed in real time, with the results available during the measurement and ready for mapping and reporting right after deployment.
Hand-held contamination monitor CBRN version
Thin-layer plastic-scintillation detector for α- and β/γ-contamination measurement. Operating temperature down to -20°C. Suitable for air transport, supplied with earphones.
• 2 firmware versions available (simple version for decontamination squad, full version for special task force).
• Stationary use possible, for example in ECMo emergency contamination monitor.
• > 1,100 CoMo-170 ZS units supplied to civil defense in Germany.
• Complete set incl. case.
Hand-held contamination monitor
Simultaneous and selective α- and β/γ-measurement.
- Illuminated large-area LCD
- Measurement values displayed in cps, Bq or Bq/cm² as desired.
- Integrated nuclide library.
- Various versions and options available (e.g. CoMo 300).
Stationary contamination monitor
Single-hand plastic-scintillation detector (170 cm²).
- Separate wall-mounted electronics with optional 3-level LED lamp.
- Illuminated large-area LCD.
- Simultaneous and selective α- and β/γ-measurement.
- Measurement values displayed in cps, Bq or Bq/cm² as desired.
- Integrated nuclide library.
- Also available with integrated accupack.
Emergency contamination monitor
This specially designed system is developed to take 4 or 6 CoMo-170 instruments to provide a simple and stress from contamination control point for large groups of people in an emergency e.g. after a nuclear accident
Stationary contamination monitor made up using portable contamination monitors.
- Measurements done in easily understandable steps for person being measured.
- USB interface allows simple display of measurement values, e.g. traffic light system.
- Low-price solution for disaster management.
- Significant stress reduction for operator and measured persons compared to manual measurement (i.e. scanning).
- Easy height adjustment e.g. for children.
- Expansion up to 16 detectors possible, e.g. foot detectors.
- Already introduced in German civil protection and disaster management sector.
Hand foot clothing contamination monitor
Thin-layer plastic scintillation detectors.
- Basic version with 2 hand detectors and 2 foot detectors.
- PC-based measuring electronics.
- Windows-based user software.
- Optional transponder allows traceable measurements to an individual.
- Network integration possible.
- Various versions available.
Radiation monitor for simple control of solid and liquid food
Small, low-price measuring system.
- Integral γ-measurement.
- Calibrated for Cs-137, I-131.
- Shielded NaI-detector (50 x 50 x 13 mm).
- Shielded sample container (400 ml).
- Measuring value display in Bq/kg or Bq/l.
- Automatic background measurement.
- Detection limit < 35 Bq/l based on Cs-137.
- Measurement data printout possible via label printer.
- Very easy to use, bought and successfully used by public.
- Calibrated with certified DKD sources.
- This measuring instrument has established itself in daily use in Japan, after the Fukushima reactor disaster.
Food monitor
Scintillation Measuring System for Assessment of Gamma Activity in Foodstuffs, Liquids and Bulk Goods in Bq/l.
- botom 95x120mm
- height 185m (with lead shielding 240mm)
- weight approx. 0.8kg
Mobile Phone Towers Electromagnetic Radiation measurement
Radio, television, cellular telephony, wireless…Electromagnetic fields are used wherever and whenever wireless communications operate. These fields affect the whole environment, including the people moving about in them. Complete coverage would be impossible otherwise. National and international bodies have set limits to prevent harmful effects. These usually allow higher field strengths for the workplace environment than for the general public. This is because people who routinely work in electromagnetic fields are normally professionally trained and aware of the risks, so they know what to do or they have been given instructions to limit their exposure time, for example. The operators of transmitting equipment and the responsible authorities are legally accountable for proving safety. To do this, they can make use of the services offered by institutes or private measurement providers. There is really only one way you can prove safety: Measure it!